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Production Notes: Heart and Soul of Gen Y

Right down the line, every original Petalwink cast member answered the question, "Why do you want to be involved in Petalwink: The Musical?" with a variation of "The message is so needed by kids."

Each cast member could think of a child that would benefit from the purity, innocence and empowerment behind Petalwink's declaration, "I"m glad to be me!"

Again and again, girls get fed the myth that their looks are the most important aspect of their identity, while boys are pressured to be aggressive. It's easy to spot these negative messages without looking very hard.

It's much more challenging to do something about it.

When I think of the sacrifices this cast and crew are making, their willingness to stretch and grow because they believe in Petalwink's message, I want to cry tears of joy and gratitude. They are living the message. The cast is hardworking, uncomplaining, motivated, generous, empathetic.

If you want to be part of the growing movement that is demanding positive, socially-conscious, character-building messages for kids and families through theatre and music, or if you just want to let these college kids know they've got the right idea, hop on over to our GoFundMe page. For as little as $7, you--by helping the cast and crew of PTM--can make a big difference.

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